Jan 3, 2025
Title: Rise and Thrive in 2025: The 3 C’s of Referability – Part 3:
Host: Michael J. Maher
Guest: Sheri Maher
Description: Welcome to Day 3 of our Rise and Thrive in 2025
podcast series! In this episode, Michael J. Maher and Sheri Maher
conclude their deep dive into the 3 C’s of Referability with a
focus on the third and final C: Communication.
Communication is the bridge that connects you to your clients and
community. Michael and Sheri discuss why clear, consistent, and
effective communication is vital to building trust and maintaining
strong relationships. They provide practical strategies for
improving your communication skills and ensuring your message
resonates with those you serve.
(7L) Referral Strategies and Podcast Topics: The 3 C’s of
Referability, Communication
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