May 28, 2020
Episode: 130
Title: Daily Dose - How to Master Implementation
Host: Michael J. Maher
Guest: Jana Caudill
Description: What does a master implementer look like? Success.
Success is what they look like! Meet our guest today, Jana Caudill.
Listen to her story of implementation of the Daily Dose strategies
that Michael shared and be inspired by her growth and success. She
shares with us:
• How to identify need in your community
• What is a RAH call?
• How to SHOW the world that you are a giver
• Don’t go from success to significance. Instead wrap yourself in
both from the start.
Jana took the idea of creating a Facebook group and implemented it
at 100%. She’s taken her group to over 4,500 members, gotten buy in
from the local mayor, created a logo and hashtag to start a
movement, is now forming a 501c3 to be able to do more with the
group, and this summer will be interviewing local residents. Be
inspired….then YOU go do this too!
(7L) Referral Strategies and Podcast Topics:
Special Offer: Don’t miss out on the details behind this interview. They are going on RIGHT NOW inside our private Facebook group at Come on….we are waiting for you!