Nov 19, 2020
Episode: 151
Title: He’s on Pace to Write 1,000 Handwritten Notes This MONTH
Host: Michael J. Maher
Guest: Dave Debruyn
Description: So, what does it take to write 1,000 handwritten
notes in the month of, Notevember as we call it in
GenGen? INTENTION! Our guest today is Dave Debruyn, a Realtor out
of Grand Rapids, MI, and he’s a long time member of the Generosity
Generation. In fact he won our first ever Notevember Challenge in
2011 by writing over 600 notes! And now in 2020 he’s on pace to
write 1,000 this month.
Listen in as Michael and Dave discuss who he writes to, how he
comes up with what to write, what PS to put on each note so they
contact him back, and more!
(7L) Referral Strategies and Podcast Topics: Notes, Intention, Notevember,
Special Offer: It’s not too late to join the 2020 Notevember
Challenge! Join us by going to and register
And be sure to be a part of the bigger conversation by joining The
Generosity Generation at