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Welcome to The Referrals Podcast with Michael J. Maher!

Mar 31, 2021

Episode: 177

Title: The Happiness Formula

Host: Michael J. Maher

Guest: Jason Javer

Description: Are you happy? Our guest today, Jason Javer, believes that this is something you MUST consistently ask yourself as an entrepreneur. So he came up with the Happiness Formula. These are the questions you must ask yourself:

Mar 23, 2021

Episode: 176

Title: Wake Up Millennials!

Host: Michael J. Maher

Guest: Lindsay Young

Description: Can you change your life in 30 days? Our guest today, Lindsay Young, not only thinks this is possible….she KNOWS it’s possible. This episode is all about the life changing process that she implemented in her morning...

Mar 18, 2021

Episode: 175 

Title: From Self-Sabotage to Success 

Host: Michael J. Maher

Guest: Rebecca Mountain

Description: Our guest today, Rebecca Mountain, firmly believes that it is possible to breaks the pattern of self-sabotage and create the successful life you desire deep down. She shares that it is possible and has created...

Mar 9, 2021

Episode: 174

Title: Get Referrals With 7L in B2B

Host: Michael J. Maher

Guest: Josh Dougherty

Description: A copy of (7L) was gifted to our guest today, Josh Dougherty with Xperience Benefits, several years ago. He read it.....and put it on the shelf. It wasn’t until fall of 2019 when he was invited to Referral...

Mar 2, 2021

Episode: 173

Title: How Santa and Live String Quartets Created Magical Moments for my Clients

Host: Michael J. Maher

Guest: Shel-lee Davis

Description: So, what does it take to become Santa’s helper? According to our guest today, Shel-lee Davis, all it takes is about $600 and a little ingenuity. Shel-lee is a real...