Feb 22, 2022
Episode: 231
Title: The One Degree Tweak with Michael J Maher and Sarah Chatel
and Stefani Havel
Host: Michael J. Maher
Guests: Sarah Chatel and Stefani Havel
Description: This episode is all about making the small little
changes that can lead to big results. Sometimes a goal is so big
you don’t know where to start. What is the first step? How do you
get started? Michael explains all of this in this episode and our
two guest chime in with their challenge to YOU! Sarah and Stefani
are sharing just 2 of our 30 small challenges for you to complete
during our annual March Magic Challenge!
(7L) Referral Strategies and Podcast Topics: Ambassadors, Community
Involvement, Connecting with Connectors, Name Game, Affirmations,
One Degree Tweak
Special Offer: Join us for our annual March Magic Challenge by
going to www.MarchMagicChallenge.com and using the code "podcast"
for a special rate