Apr 23, 2020
Episode: 104
Title: Daily Dose - Michael Maher’s Secret Weapon REVEALED
Host: Michael J. Maher
Guest: Sheri Maher
Description: Ever wonder how visionaries get so much done? How
do they do it? They have a #2 that specializes in implementation,
that’s how! Meet Michael Maher’s Implementer.....Sheri Maher! She
shares with us:
* Why the #2 is NOT an assistant
* What does a great #2 focus on
* What happens when the visionary and the implementer get in each
others lanes
* The Visionary lives on the Moon and the Implementer lives on
planet Earth
Both of these roles are very different, yet both are needed to move
companies forward. Which one are you? How do you find that other
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