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Welcome to The Referrals Podcast with Michael J. Maher!

Feb 22, 2022

Episode: 231

Title: The One Degree Tweak with Michael J Maher and Sarah Chatel and Stefani Havel

Host: Michael J. Maher

Guests: Sarah Chatel and Stefani Havel

Description: This episode is all about making the small little changes that can lead to big results. Sometimes a goal is so big you don’t know where to...

Feb 15, 2022

Episode: 230

Title: Go-Giver Marriage

Host: Michael J. Maher

Guest: John David Mann and Ana Gabriel Mann

Description: Our special guests today share their new book, "The Go-Giver Marriage" and share how YOU can have lasting love in your marriage.

(7L) Referral Strategies and Podcast Topics:...

Feb 8, 2022

Episode: 229

Title: Do THIS Before Going to Sleep Each Night

Host: Michael J. Maher

Guests: Tara Carter and Paul Domenech

Description: How do you ensure you have a great day? You are intentional about setting it up that way....the night before! Want to win the week? Use Sunday night to prep to win. Our guest...

Feb 1, 2022

Episode: 228

Title: What it Takes to Have SWEET DREAMS

Host: Michael J. Maher

Co-Host: Chris Angel

Description: You’ve been hearing all the hype about our upcoming Sweet Dreams challenge. But what is it all about? Listen in as Michael explains the 2 nightly rituals that the class will cover.

(7L) Referral...