Mar 30, 2020
Episode: 87
Title: Daily Dose - Who Needs a Schedule....YOU Do!
Host: Michael J. Maher
Guest: Neal Smith
Description: Who needs a schedule? YOU DO!!! Don’t fall victim
to the mindset that you don’t need to follow a schedule just
because you are working from home. It’s a trap! And a trap that too
many are falling into right now. Listen in to this conversation
between Michael J. Maher and Neal Smith as they discuss:
• How to create the perfect schedule for yourself
• Why you should start with scheduling just 1 hour at first
• What is “white space” and why schedule it
• Keep the nonimportant items out of your day
• The kids need a schedule too
• Why you need an accountability partner for this
• Start by scheduling your morning routine;
This is a much needed episode as we enter week 3 of quarantine. If
you are feeling like things are falling apart or action items are
slipping through the cracks, then take note of this episode. A
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Special Offer: Also, if you need help getting started check out our upcoming 30Mornings class. Starts April 6th and there are a few spots left.