Apr 30, 2019
Episode: 39
Title: The "Lifetime Value Client Care System" ATTRACTS REFERRALS
Host: Michael J. Maher
Co-Host: Chris Angell
Guest: Wendy Griffis
Description: On this episode of the Referrals Podcast, we welcome special guest Wendy Griffis. In addition to being a certified referral trainer and author of “Recognize the...
Apr 23, 2019
Episode: 38
Title: Board of Advisors Strategy CASE STUDY
Host: Michael J. Maher
Co-Host: Chris Angell
Guests: Johnny White and Toril White
Description: On this episode of the Referrals Podcast, we welcome power couple Toril and Johnny White to share how and why they have a Board of Advisors for their business. Listen...
Apr 16, 2019
Episode: 37
Title: The Secret to Building an Army of Ambassadors, a tribe of raving fans who refer you
Host: Michael J. Maher
Co-Host: Chris Angell
Description: On this episode of Referrals Podcast, we are trying something new, a blitz episode of the podcast to answer one essential question - WHAT DOES EVERYONE WANT?...
Apr 9, 2019
Episode: 36
Title: Harnessing the Power of Appreciation to Get Endless Streams of Referrals
Host: Michael J. Maher
Co-Host: Chris Angell
Description: In the world of sole entrepreneurship, referrals are absolutely essential to growing your business. Of course, a business with endless referrals would be a utopian state....
Apr 2, 2019
Episode: 35
Title: Harnessing the Power of Generosity to Get an Endless Stream of Referrals
Host: Michael J. Maher
Co-Host: Chris Angell
Guest: Shawn Woods
Description: Do you want to be the most referred professional in your community? To be the most referred professional in your community, be the most generous...